Supporters of gay marriage run away from debate

By J.C. von Krempach, J.D. | October 7, 2012

The gay lobby complains that homosexuals do not have the same rights as married couples. But they never explain why such equal treatment of the unequal would be justified. Apparently they are aware that their arguments would never survive a rational debate, so they must prevent that debate from taking place.

The following has been published at

Policy Exchange pulls out of Gay Marriage debate at Tory Conference Fringe

“Tory hierarchy reluctant for grassroots to discuss the issue?” says
Anglican Mainstream

“Empty Chair debate goes ahead without them”

Top Westminster think-tank Policy Exchange has pulled out at short
notice of a Tory conference fringe debate on gay marriage with
Anglican Mainstream, the socially conservative ‘information network’
in the Church of England.

“We are very disappointed,” said Canon Chris Sugden, executive
secretary of Anglican Mainstream (AM). “We’ve invested a huge amount
in this heavyweight event to debate Real Marriage against PE’s Gay or
‘Equal’ Marriage amongst the ordinary conservative public – and at
almost the last moment they pull out. It looks as if the Tory
hierarchy don’t want the grassroots discussing the issue’ –

“However the debate will go ahead – with an empty chair representing
Policy Exchange,” said Chris Sugden. “There are strong arguments in
favour of real marriage and strong ones against gay marriage. We will
make the case that Real Marriage ensures the future.”

The fringe event, Real Marriage v Gay Marriage, now takes place at
12.45pm on Tuesday 9th October in Room 107, Jury’s Inn, 245 Broad
Street, Birmingham B1 2HQ.

Anglican Mainstream will release a 50 page paper in response to Policy
Exchange’s paper on ‘Equal’ Marriage at the meeting. It will also be
available on

Further information from

Chris Sugden 0780 829 7043